Don’t Forget Timber & Aluminium For Your Replacement Windows

Once you have chosen to get replacement windows for your home, the next big decision that you will need to make is which type of material you would like to have. UPVC windows are frequently chosen by homeowners because they are often the easiest to get hold of. There are hundreds of companies up and down the country that specialise in the installation of UPVC windows and doors but if you are looking for something a little different you may find that you have to do a bit of research to find the right window company.
It is true that timber windows in Scotland and timber windows in Hawick will need more care and attention compared to UPVC but that doesn’t mean that the extra work will not be worthwhile. Wooden windows are still admired for a reason and that is often because they look much better than UPVC windows. The authentic wood grain finish is something that cannot be replicated by UPVC and this gives the windows a warm and classic look – something that many homeowners admire.

They are also incredibly energy efficient, something that homeowners are now beginning to take note off with the rising cost associated with keeping a property warm.

Aluminium windows in Livingston are another form of replacement window that homeowners simply overlook. However aluminium windows are incredibly strong and durable making them the perfect choice for homeowners in Scotland. They are very weather resistant ensuring that no matter how much wind or rain your home may receive they will remain sealed, warm and looking as good as new.

For more information on Timber Windows Scotland including Timber Windows Hawick and Aluminium Windows Livingston give Mitchell Glass a call.


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