Mitchell Glass Looks To The Future With Aluminium Windows

For many centuries window frames were made from wood as it was both easy to work with and in plentiful supply. As technology advanced there was a new material called UPVC quickly took a major foothold in the window fitting industry due to its ability to be mass produced and shaped easily into a variety of frames sizes. Modern timber windows share many similarities of UPVC and both types can be used interchangeably on many homes with few major drawbacks or benefits to using one over the other.

In recent years however, a new material has become more widely used in the commercial building sector and is now quickly becoming a popular choice for use in residential homes; aluminium. This new material has many unique features and benefits that UPVC or timber simply cannot match and is likely to be a major growth product in the window industry over the next few years. Understanding the benefits of these great windows is important so you can make the best decision when choosing replacement windows.

Aluminium windows are mainly popular due to the strength of the product which allows a smaller frame to hold a far larger weight of glass. This enables windows frames to be less visible elements of the entire window unit which can increase the style of the windows as well as the amount of light that can enter through them. The strength of the aluminium frame allow for far more creative and modern looking designs to be used in homes such as floor to ceiling windows that can create stunning views and make the house feel more open. Aluminium can come in hundreds of colours too which means you will always get the right look for your home.

If you are interested in aluminium windows in Edinburgh, aluminium windows in Hawick or aluminium windows in Musselburgh then make sure you visit Mitchell Glass online today.


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