Go To The Top With Timber

Timber windows are unfortunately beginning to receive a bit of an outdated label since the arrival of uPVC windows and aluminium windows in Livingston. There is no denying that traditional timber windows used lacked the energy efficiency to keep a property warm and were liable to draughts, making for cold households, but they do have an unrivalled aesthetic appeal. The modern advancements in technology have allowed for timber windows in Scotland to be put back on their deserved pedestal with improved energy efficiency and durability.
The functionality is up there with the quality uPVC rivals. The locks are secure and they work as well as the alternatives as traditional locking mechanisms on old windows tended to be very unreliable. A new modern multi-point locking system has been put in place so that the chances of anyone managing to get into your property without your permission are significantly reduced.

timber windows

The traditional features and details add something that newer materials simply cannot match. New timber windows have incorporated the traditional features and house features including the traditional cords, weights or spiral balances as well as decorative sash horns and chrome or brass finishes.

Traditionally timber windows in Hawick were single paned units that as previously mentioned leaked cold air in and hot air straight out of the home without any resistance.  The frames are now adapted to enable double glazing and even triple glazing which improves the security further and also the energy efficiency.

You are also given the ability to choose the type of wood for your frames, the usual’s are hardwood and redwood, there are others available and your installer will be able to fill you in on their portfolio. The positive with using timber frames is the chance to have the wood stained or coloured with any finish to match your existing property.

It doesn’t matter whether you live in a new-build or long-standing home, timber windows will fit in beautifully and with tremendous ease. An old timber window needs constant care and attention in terms of fresh paint, cleaning and other restoration. A brand new timber window needs no such fuss as it can go for as long as 8 years without needing any form of repainting.

You also don’t need to worry about your timber windows being damaging to the environment as it takes 8 times less energy to put together a timber window compared to a UPVC equivalent. You can also be safe in the knowledge that similarly to uPVC and Aluminium windows you can choose glazing which fits on the A-G energy efficiency scale to save the environment and your energy bills month by month.


Everyone is welcome to come in and browse around our showroom, where our friendly sales team will be pleased to help with any questions you may have over a cup of coffee.


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